Our Services

Operations Services

With care and precision, we tailor support services to enhance your FedEx ISP operations, elevate performance, and achieve maximum customer satisfaction.


Years Experience
Fast Solution
About Outsourcing

Why Outsourcing is Your Best Bet?

Delegate your operational needs and minimize your overhead costs. At MetroMax, we help you enhance operational efficiency, gain valuable insights, and achieve accelerated growth.

  • 24/7 Support
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Increased Returns
  • Practical Insights from Experts

Our Operations Support Services


Vehicle safety and regulatory compliance are the top priorities in our routine DVIR evaluations.

Routes Performance Monitoring

We track efficiency by monitoring route performance, room-of-choice deliveries, and unpacking.

DA Scorecard Metrics Review

We assess DA scorecard metrics, identify drivers exhibiting low performance, and implement changes.


Our commitment to on-time and accurate deliveries elevates customer experience and satisfaction levels.

MSO Review

Our team oversees Maintenance Service Orders (MSOs) to guarantee optimal fleet performance.

Fleet Tool

We maintain the currency and accuracy of fleet tools within the DSP portal.

EOD Photos Monitoring

We examine end-of-day photos to evaluate vehicle condition and ensure compliance.

HOS Monitoring

We handle the oversight and management of drivers' Hours of Service (HOS) to avoid violations.

Why Choose Us

Excel in Operations with our FedEx ISP Expertise

As seasoned last-mile delivery partners with a track record of handling 50+ routes, we are the ideal choice for your back-office support. Our team is skilled at monitoring operations, pinpointing areas for improvement, and driving efficiency through a strategic, results-driven methodology.

Practical Insights

Our experts – former LMD partners, offer valuable real-world expertise for peak performance.

Swift Deployment

Our dedicated team is ready for immediate action, equipped with essential tools.

Real-Time Oversight

We monitor key aspects continuously for optimal performance.

FedEx Integration Mastery

Our support effortlessly aligns with Amazon's procedures for seamless operations.

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